Fix Lutris stuck on "Lutris is starting" problem on linux or lutris not starting


Fix Lutris stuck on "Lutris is starting" problem on linux

Lutris is an open gaming platform For linux which integrates almost all runners avalable on linux at one place.

For a lot of time many users are facing some weird problem that lutris is stuck on lutris is starting problem. So i found many fixes. I hope any one of these work for you.

1.Remove and Reinstall wine

This method did a great job  for most users. Here Wine creates a Mess with lutris so all you have to do is-

   ->Remove Wine Folder  "rm -r ~/.wine"

->Uninstall and install Wine as per your distro.

->Create a 32bit wine prefix "WINEARCH=win32 WINEPRIFIX=~/.wine wine wineboot"

If this does not fix your problem move to next step.

2. Fix DXVK not Initialised

Sometimes dxvk is not initialised so lutris refuses to run. To fix This just paste this in Your Terminal and hit enter -
 " wget -P $HOME/.local/share/lutris/runtime/dxvk "

3.Remove Lutris Cache files-

Lutris is sometimes unable to download proper config files so you have to remove the local folder and recreate it.

  "rm -rf ~/.local/share/lutris"

3. Install "lutris-git" from aur

NOTE: This Method only works for Arch based distros like Arch, Manjaro, Endavour, Garuda etc.

what you have to do is uninstall lutris and install the aur version.

 ->"sudo pacman -Rs lutris"
 ->"git clone"
 ->"cd lutris-git"
 ->"makepkg -si"

this method personally worked for me on my manjaro machine.

4. 32bit Architecture problem 

NOTE:This method only works for debian based distros like debian, ubuntu, mx, mint etc.

when we try to force quit lutris a error message appears 

"lutris was unable to find vulkan support for the i386 architecture this will prevent many games and program from working ecc"

if this is not the case for you this method won't work!

So if this message appears just type the following command and hit enter 

"sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 && sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrage"

5. Last and Final Fix

This is not a permanent fix but would not affect your lutris experience. So what you have to do is 

->Close the "lutris is starting" window using ALT+F4

If you are lucky enough  lutris window would open as usual. You have to do it every time you run lutris.

If this do not work try running Lutris from terminal and take a closer look on the terminal logs for the occuring error.

Feel free to post the error in the comment box below!
